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What is Event Mode?

Every week there is a public event open to all players above Silver I level (> 10,000 total Cups points). The event consists of many short races, mostly ranging from 2 to 4 minutes. The topics of the event change from week to week - could be anything from the pure time attack, to jumping as far as you can, or perfroming as many tricks as you can.

Players can enter the race at any time, as long as the event is open. Players entering the race at the same time will be grouped and competed together. So the competition is real time. During the 2 to 4 minutes races, players can make multiple tries - the one with best score will be recorded. At the end of the race, results will be ranked within that group. The 1st place gets 10 points, then multiple 9s, 8s, etc. (When not enough players in the group, there could be only 1 or even no 9s or 8s.)

Each player is initially given 4 tickets to play in the event. Every multiple of 4 hours after the initial joining, tickets will be refreshed to 4. So basically 4 tickets are given every day. If you don't use them up, they are wasted. If you don't have tickets but still want to play, you can buy 4 tickets with 20 gems. You can buy as many as you can.

Event rewards

The event comes with good rewards. When you reach certain total points, you get corresponding rewards. Most of the time the rewards end at 400 or 500 points. That means, after 400 or 500 points, you can still play in the event as many time as you can, but you won't get extra rewards. Most of the time, the rewards include 1 common, 1 rare, 1 epic and 1 legendary chest, along with some coins, parts, outfits. Sometimes there are also a champion chest and/or a team event ticket.

Double points for VIP

If you subscribe VIP, you will get double points in the event. That means, you can accumulate points and "finish" the event twice as fast. This is one of the major benefit as a VIP. For other benefits and whether we recommend subscription, please see spend money section.

Past events

Please refer to Past Events section.