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What is Adventure Mode?

In the Adventure mode, your goal is to drive as far as you can. You can choose any vehicle and map (subject to your "level"). You do not have opponents, so you could drive slowly and leisurely, or to try different vehicles and tuning parts, or even to enjoy yourself with some weird neck flips or air time. Of course, you can play adventure only for grinding coins. While you drive on, the fuel can along the road will get sparser and sparser, so if you want to break record, you need to drive fast. There will be no "punishment" associated with loss. If you set a new distance record, it will be recorded. If you need tips on how to driver further, please see Tip & Strategies. If you need ideas on how to grind coins efficiently, please see Guide for newbie & Grinding coins.


There are two types of rankings: distance ranking for each map and total stars ranking. For each of the 17 adventure maps, there are leaderboards based on distance. Of course the distances can be from any vehicles, or from each specific vehicle (just like rankings in each Cups track). The total stars rankings are based on stars earned from all maps, which are calculated as follows: For any combination of the 23 vehicles and 14 "regular" maps, stars will be your record distance in meters, capped at 10,000 meters. For example, if you drive 8000m with bus in the Forest, you will get 8000 stars. Then you try again (with the same vehicle and map), you improved to 11000m, you will only earn an additional 2000 stars, making it to a total of 10000 stars, because it is capped at 10000 stars. Then, you change vehicle to scooter on the same map, and drive 5000m. Now you will earn 5000 stars for this run, making your total starts 15000.

Since version 1.37, the game has 3 "enhanced" maps. The enhanced maps are much more difficult. Hence, stars calculation is slightly different: for every one meter driven, player gets 3 stars. The cap is 15000 stars (or 5000m) for each combination of 23 vehicles and 3 enhanced maps.

So, theoretically, the maximal stars one can get is 4,255,000 (10,000*23*14 + 15,000*23*3).

Please see Total stars ranking and rankings of each map.

Fuels and Coins

Generally speaking, fuels are more and more sparse when you drive along, making it impossible to drive forever. (Note: for certain maps, some really skilled players use "Perpetual Motion Trio" - wings, jump shocks, and landing boost, to keep or even obtain kinetic energy when fuel is run out. They probably can keep breaking the records. )

There are basically two sources of coins you can collect when you drive.

Player will also earn bonus coins for tricks, such as wheelie, flips, air time, etc. Those will not be too much (10%-ish) compared to coin piles collected along the drive, unless you intentionally doing a lot of tricks.

Adventure Tasks

Periodically, player will receive adventure tasks. This is a great way to accrue coins and parts. Each task specifies a certain vehicle and map conbination. After player drives at least 500m, an adventure chest will be given. The level of the chest will be dependent on the distance - for every 500m, the check level will increase by 1. For example, if the player drives 30,000m, the chest level will be 60.

Each adventure chest contains coins, parts and gems. Some chests will also have outfits. As you can imagine, the higher the chest level, the more valuable the chest is. The relationship are as follows:

How frequently are tasks given? Tasks are given in the groups of 3. Once you start the first task, the countdown begins. After 12 hours, new tasks will be given. So, please start the first task as soon as you see it, and try to finish all 3 in the coming 12 hours, thus you will not "waste" any tasks.

Double coins, ads bonus, and more

Periodically players are given chances to earn double coins on the way. The frequency and renew time seem different across players and do not have a pattern. However, it's been observed that if a player does not drive very long (say, only 500m), the double coins opportunity will not be used.

Ads bonus is also a good source of coins. Two ads bonus will be given along with the new tasks. They will appear when you open task chests. Each ads bonus will be around 5000 coins.